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mental training

The What if Runway

By | mental training | 173 Comments

By Ami Strutin Belinoff M.A., LMFT, CMPC

All of us at one point or another have found ourselves on the “What if Runway.” Some of us have spent hours, days or even years on this runway. Stuck, waiting, unsure and paralyzed by, what if? Most often when we find ourselves here the What If is one of fear, catastrophe, or dire indecision. 

We can all relate to being stuck on the tarmac. If you have ever been on it waiting to get to your destination you know the feeling well. When we will get going? How is this going to affect all my plans? Will I have to be stuck next to this person in my ear for the next couple of hours? When will the kids stop hitting my seat? What If we don’t take off at all? Then what will I do? 

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Vision: It’s in all of us

By | mental training | 2 Comments

Some of us will run, some will walk, some will meander, some of us will just sit, and some will run in circles. We all share a common thread as human beings. We are purpose driven. At first we were driven to attain what Maslow deemed some of the basic tenants of life; including food, shelter and reproduction. Read More

Ami Strutin-Belinoff

Mental Peak Performance Training

T: 310.804.7553

e: astrutinbelinoff@gmail.com

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